Uncategorized (63)


Ellul on biblical love

To say that God loves is to say that God submits himself to human initiatives.  For example, when Jesus Christ is revealed to us in the New Testament as the witness of God’s love and the incarnation of that love, it is because he submitted…

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If--IfUntitled Blog Post Name If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,   But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and…

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on Spirituality

Spirituality is always in danger of self-absorption, of becoming so intrigued with matters of soul that God is treated as a mere accessory to my experience.  This requires much vigilance.  Spiritual theology is, among other things, the exercise of this vigilance.  Spiritual theology is the…

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Barth on Prayer

"But theological work does not merely begin with prayer and is not merely accompanied by it; in its totality it is peculiar and characteristic of theology that it can be performed only in the act of prayer.  In view of the danger to which theology…

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Silence, Solitude, Prayer: A Reflection

On October 14, I set aside 24 hours for silence, solitude and prayer. The quotes are from Henri Nouwen's "The Way of the Heart." Here is my reflection. The excitement of anticipating a day of solitude eventually ebbed away as I confronted its discomforting reality.

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