Uncategorized (63)


Cross-Shaped Community

We often seek to be in relationship with people that are like us, in terms of ethnicity, dress, socio-economic status, etc.  But the Gospel transcends these categories. It creates a people that are part of the new creation: "neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision,…

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Orthodox Sacramentology

Studying 15th century Orthodox Byzantine Sacramentology makes me feel like I’ve been getting fast food rather than a meal. I’ve been missing out on the richness of Christian tradition. 

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The Shoes of the Fisherman

Untitled Blog Post Name It costs so much to be a full human being that there are very few who have the enlightenment, or the courage, to pay the price…. One has to abandon altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk…

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A Conversation with Dr. JI Packer

Last week I had the honour of sitting and talking to Dr. JI Packer in a group setting. We sat in a circle and asked questions. I had many questions I wanted to ask him, and managed to ask him two. My first question was…

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